Passing on the torch is all part of the business lifecycle.
We can help shed light on the exit process and ensure you maximise the assets you’ve worked hard to build.
If you want to find out more about how we can help you sell your business please contact
Want to know more?
An exit strategy is a key element of any business plan. Despite this, many business owners don’t plan ahead for the time when they want to call it a day.
Thinking of selling your business? Ideally, succession planning needs to start well in advance of your desired exit or retirement date.
Part of your planning process should include choosing a professional advisor who will not only provide ongoing accounting, tax and strategic advice in the run-up to the exit but can also take on the role of a project manager and personal advisor in the transition period.
This is particularly important if your planned exit involves selling business, as it means you can focus on maintaining business performance and profitability rather than being distracted by the sale process.
The team at TW will help you maximise Entrepreneurs’ Relief, so that Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on the sale of your business is minimised.
If you plan to turn your investment into cash rather than re-investing it another business venture, you’ll also need to do some number-crunching to see how much you’ll need for a long and comfortable retirement.
Whether you plan to exit your business in six months’ time, six years from now or at some point in the distant future, you’ll find it worthwhile speaking to our exit planning specialists, so call us now for an informal chat.