An audit is like a financial MOT – at TW, our auditors don’t just ‘take a quick peek under the bonnet and kick the tyres.’
Our comprehensive audit and assurance service provides all the information you need to fine tune your finances and ensure your business is running smoothly.
If you want to find out more about our audit and assurance service please contact
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Providing you and your stakeholders with knowledge to help your future decision making.
Certain organisations, large companies with multi-million-pound turnovers, together with registered charities, and education providers, require statutory audits.
If you run a smaller business, it’s tempting to think that an audit is surplus to requirements, but a voluntary audit can be incredibly helpful to you and your fellow directors.
It provides peace of mind that your business is in good financial condition and – even more importantly – it helps you plan for future success.
As well as being an essential management tool for decision-making, an audit provides independent evidence of the integrity of your company accounts plus reassurance to your customers, existing and potential suppliers, as well as investors, banks, and other finance providers.
A TW audit is like a top-to-toe health check.

Our Audit and assurance team work with you to help you get things right, getting to know your organisation to understand the challenges it may face whilst tailoring the audit process to fit around your business for less disruption.
Our experienced team will examine your organisation’s current fiscal health and check it for signs of financial stress, we’ll also evaluate what risks and opportunities are on the horizon.
We’ll then advise on the steps you need to take, to avoid or minimise any pitfalls that lie ahead. See what our clients say here.
Find out how we can shine a spotlight on your business financials to help you see where you’re going. Call us now for an informal chat.
Details about our Audit Registration can be viewed at under reference number (C001398362). The Audit Regulations and Guidance and APB Ethical Standards that we are required to adhere to can be found at and